
2* Cool Beans and a Fisheye

Many who know me have experienced the wrath of Bean, my 15 year old, one-eyed cat AND have lived and laughed to tell about it.  Should you ever come to my studio space, she will greet you, act like your friend and then hide.  As soon as you walk by and you don't notice her there (hiding patiently), she will promptly jump out and scare the living..... out of you.  It just happened today with the plumber, and I was mortified as always - apologizing profusely and indicating that she can do no harm since she is declawed.

It is true.  Very few people have gone un-attacked in my home, and should you be one of the lucky ones, I commend you!  I can only think of two other individuals who she has, in fact, warmed up to and on those days I was a very proud "parent" if you will....  Fortunately she has bonded with me and we have a pretty tight connection... 15 years and a lot of patience can do that!

How she lost her eye: Well, let's see. It started with a little black freckle in her right eye about 10 years ago.  7 years ago it had tripled in size and that spelled trouble.  Since you can't biopsy an eye without destroying it, the vet heavily encouraged me to have it removed as it would likely metastasize in time causing a slow cancerous death.  I didn't happen to want that tragic outcome, so it was bye-bye right eye.  Strangely the vet just told me the other day he still has they eye in a jar and shows it to school children when doing presentations.  Crazy that the eye still serves a purpose after all of these years out of service.  Who knew???

So now that you know a bit about Bean's charming personality, here are a couple more images that show off the beauty and poise of this adorable beast via a warped perspective. All of the photos were created using a lens baby and a fisheye lens on my Nikon D700 (so no photoshop magic to get the effect - interesting things CAN still happen in the camera, you know ;).

It is definitely fun to work with unconventional photo gear every once in a while, but it would be hard to employ this setup on a regular basis and not get bored.  Still, it makes for some fun shots.  I hope you enjoy!